
The Christlike Compassion

Guest speaker - Pastor Felix Del Rosario, II

Mathew 9:35-38

V36 - We need to have compassion like Jesus.

Revelations 21:8 

John 6:38

Luke 19:10

Matthew 9:10-11

Romans 12:2

Matthew 9:11-12 & 33-34 & 35-36

Romans 3:10, 23

Jeremiah 3:15 

Isaiah 3

Romans 6:23

  1. The busyness of Jesus Christ - Jesus was busy doing the business of God. We need time of our Lord Jesus.
  2. The boundaries of Jesus Christ. Jesus always had people oppose Him.
  3. The boldness of Jesus. the courage and confidence of Jesus to preach the gospel. Whether you do good or bad, people will talk about you.
  • What Jesus saw - a lost people
  • What Jesus said - Matthew 9:36-37, 1 Corinthians 23:9, Isaiah 6:8

James 5:20 

  • What Jesus sought.- Matthew 6:19-21

Matthew 9:38

Matthew 28:19-20 - The Great Commission. We are co-laborers of God. 

Mark 10:29

Matthew 8:2