
Stay away from Worldliness

James 4:1-10

The more I study this, I see how good of a relationship james had with his older half-brother, Jesus. He didn't just ahve a good relationship, he respected him as the Lord and Savior. 

James is asking, "why are you fighting amongst yourselves?" I think he was talkinga bout everyting, fighting against everything.

I'm so thankful we don't have wars and fighting in our church. When you're fighting with other at church you need to take a look at yourself. 

We want to be in charge of ourselves, our surroundings, and it's not ever going to be you who's in charge. Jesus is always going to be in charge. When God is talking to you and puts a conviction on your heart, you need to listen to Him because He's trying to make your life better. We need to have a one-on-one relationship with Jesus. 

Maybe you've got something going on in your life that he's working with you on to get you outof the valley. 

Jesus owes us nothing. He went to the cross, He bled for us, they put a crown of thorns on His head, they stabbed Him in His side, He died for us. He owes us absolutely nothing. 

How many years has it taken you to realize that you need Jesus?