
Sunday Morning Service

James 2:1-3

It's easy to make judgement on appearances, but I ask you to have the insight to know that's not what Jesus wants. Jesus didn't judge based on appearances, and we should follow suit.

Jesus went to those who needed Him, the lepers, the blind, the deaf, the cripples, everyone. Jesus healed those people.

Have you ever visited a church and felt uncomfortable? So many churches will judge you and not even acknowledge you. Our church isn't like that. We like to welcome everyone with open arms. Where you sit in church, where you park your car, etc., don't mean one iota to God. he's not concerned with trivial things. He's concerned with their soul. Hopefully they're there to accept Jesus. God don't respect the person's outside. he sees and respects the inside.

Jesus' brother, James, called Him the Lord of Glory. Why can't we as a people be excited about Jesus as James was?

Progressive Christianity vs. Conservative Christianity

- More than 1 God               /        One true God

-More than 1 way to get to heaven / Jesus is the only way to heaven

Verse 10 is crucial -

How can you get all gussied ukp and go to church and act one way but then act another way out in the world? God knows we make mistakes, but it's up to us to get on our knees and repent.