
Sunday Evening Service

Mark 4:1-20

There's a lot in these verses, 12 & 13. This is Jesus talking and they may sound confusing. In the 1st 3 chapters of Mark, the multitude has been growing to hear the teachings of Jesus. What happens tomorrow? You're hungry again. What happens after you've gotten over being sick? You get sick again.

How many will be on the wide way? Many. And how many will be on the narrow way? Few

Verse 12-13 If you're not careful, pastors can twist the parables to mean something other than it was intended. But if the pastor is true with his calling, he will preach it with its intended meaning.

The harvest will depend on the sower

Ephesians 6

How many times have you gone to church and had problems from the world weigh you down? The care of the world will choke the word out and never give it a chance to take root and grow in your heart. The soveriengty of God will always reign. Free will and the soveriengty of God can coexist.

Deuteronomy 29:20 Secret things

What state is your heart in tonight? What is most important to you? How do you spread your week?