
Sunday Morning Service

James 1:19-21

Welcome to North Hilliard Baptist Church. Everyone is welcome to come and worship Jesus with us.


James knew Jesus personally. They called John "the beloved' but James knew Jesus probably better than anyone else. We can all agree that we've all had problems with anger or wrath. Even babies show anger. We all have a fallen nature. But Jesus showed us a better way. He said love is the better way for everyone.

When we say things out of anger and then look back at what we said, we can oftentimes think about how stupid that was to say. We all need to remember that we have 2 ears and 1 mouth so we should listen twice as much, before we talk. Be swift to listen to the word of God. Be swift to hear the word of God. Be swift to obey the word of God. 

The scriptures say over and over agin to be patient slow down to react. Satan wants us to react without thought. but if we slow down and think, and pray before we react,  we will anger less. Even Jesus got angry, but He prayed before reacting.

Proverbs 15:1

Many Christians have tempers, but if you're temper gets the best of you, you won't be as good a witness as you can be when you slow down and pray for help with your temper and wrath.

Slow to wrath, quick to read the wrod of God, and quick to apply the word of God to your life.

How can we love someone and then blow up at them?

Ephesians 6:12

Satan is the problem. He causes us to get angry. We need to direct our wrath to satan.