
Sunday Evening Service

Genesis 4:1-15

So many times, we get to a point where we say, "woe is me" and we get mad at God. But it's not God we're truly mad at. When we point a finger at God, three fingers are pointing back at us. God has to put us back on the right path. We don't have a valid reason to ever be angry with God. But He has a valid reason to mad at us. God don't want to put us in the valleys, He does it because it's good for us. For us to learn wehre we are meant to be. 

You need to remember that your offering needs to be the best and first that you have to give and you need to give it for the right reasons. Cain killed Abel for doing what God wanted him to do. Cain was mad at the whole world and Cain took his anger out on Abel. God wanted Cain to be judged for killing his brother, not to be killed.

Being angry with God doesn't do anyone any good. We're supposed to pray about our anger and let HIm help us curb our anger.

When things are going good, we want to take credit for them, but when things go wrong, we blame God. We need to be in prayer with God more. God knows everything. He knows what you're going through.

Job 38, 39, 40, & 41. Job had a reason to be angry with God and never was.

Instead of blaming our problems on God, we need to take a look at others and reaslize how good you actually have it.

Who are we to question God and have anger towards him? Who are we to complain and say 'it's God's fault'? Even Job questioned God but God answered him by asking, "where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?"

So next time you get mad and blame God, answer Him when He asks you, "where were you?"

We don't deserve His love, but we need to pray and preach. We should be leading folks to Jesus. He blesses us everyday. We just need to be thankful everyday for all the blessings He's given us.