
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation.

James 1:12-14

James was the half brother of Jesus. He was a bond servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Divers temptations = various trials

We should be happy to go through these trials, because of the end of the trial, the closeness to Jesus we get from the trials is the joy we feel at the end of the trial. God loved us all anought to give His only son to die for us.

Jame 1:2 says we will "fall" into divers temptations that's because when we get away from God, we fall.

When we go through trials doesn't mean that God is mad or upset with you. It means God is trying to hone you to be more like Jesus Christ. What better person to be like, than Jesus Christ?

Verse 12 says we should be blessed to be going through these temptations.

Hebrews 12:1

Turn away from sin, and from the thoughts that others have about you, so you can more easily follow Jesus. Lay all your burdens at Jesus' feet; physical, financial, spiritual, whatever your burden is. Those burdens will slow you down on your journey to Christ.

Jesus said, "I'll give you eternal life if you just follow me." God doesn't tempt us, we turn our backs on God.