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Death of the spirit

You should identify the problem before it truly becomes a problem that results in your spiritual death. 

Genesis 3

Satan tricked Eve about eating of the tree of good and evil. But the fault doesn't fall on Eve. It falls on Adam. He was her husband. He was made to protect her and instruct her on God's law. He was there and nothing to stop her.

It was set before the foundations of the earth that Jesus would come down from heaven and go to the cross for our sins. And thank God He did, because we were on our way to hell.

There is a difference in being a live in Satan and being alive in God. If youare alove in Satan then you will die in Satan. But if you're alive in God, you will die in God but will go to heaven and get a glorified body and will help rule over the earth. 

Without Jesus you're headed  to hell tonight. You can't buy your way into heaven. The only think you can do is get on your knees and pray and get right with Jesus. 

Before we met Jesus, we're all guliting of walking the path of Satan.

Remember what Jesus did for you and how you felt when you were saved. How excited you were. YOu can have that every day, just go to the altar every day and take Satan with you to rebuke him.