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Jealousy & Envy Pt2

Luke 15:11-32

Satan will throw everything at you to keep you weak; Anytime we get away from the Lord Jesus that can provoke His jealousy.

Luke 15 is about the prodigal son. What provoked him to want to leave?

The bible says that nobody can go to the father except through Jesus.

Jesus told a true story in these verses. He didn't make something up. This young man became envious of things he seen outside his father's house. The devil gives us things to beguile us. The boy was a farm boy and was tired of having chores, feeding animals, working fields, etc. and was envious of those who lived in the "big city."

How many times has God turned you down when you repented and asked forgiveness?

Don' live these lies:

  1. Happiness lie - if I only had "this" I'd be happy
  2. Guard against ungratefulness - Have you been ungrateful to God

Ecclesiates 2:11 & 4:4-6

Numbers 11:1 & 14:28-30

Be humble. Can you see Jesus in the mirror?