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Jealousy & Envy

Can jealousy be a good thing or is it always bad? What if I told you God is jealous over you?

If you start worshipping a god other than the Lord Jesus that created us, wouldn't He be justified in His jealousy?

Men, if you were at dinner with your wife and another man was showing attention to your wife wouldn't you feel justified in your jealousy?

The body of the church is the bride of Christ and we should be in the honeymoon stage of our relationship with Christ.

Ephesians 5:22-27

Our relationship with Christ should be more important than anything else in our lives, putting anything before Jesus is adulterous more towards Jesus. 

Exodus 34:14

Jesus is the relationship that makes things better in your life.

God knows you better than even your parents or your spouse and yourself.

Envying or desiring something someone else has can damage your relationship.

Galatians 5:17-21

anything can be a false god, anything you put before God is a false god; a liquor bottle is a false god. 

Desiring something that belongs to someone else can tear apart your relationship not just with God but with yourself.

The grass ain't always greener on the other side.