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Abraham, A Father of Faith

Happy Father's Day!!

No Evening Service.

Genesis 12:1-8 & Hebrews 11:1, 8, & 18

Father's I charge you today to raise up your children in a christian house.

Father Abraham wasn't perfect. He failed God at least 3 times, but he would always go back to God. He would build an alter and would offer up a burnt offering. 

God didn't give up on Abraham and He won't give up on you. 

Abraham wasn't raised in a home that served God. He was raised to serve many gods and idols. But the One, True God chose Abraham.

Galatians 3:6

When God told Abraham that He would make him the father of a great nation, that promise was kept. He told Abraham that he would bless any who would bless Abraham and curse those who cursed Abraham. That law still stands today. 

God is willing to bless us if we just submit. He's got a bletter plan. I guarantee it. 

God made a promise to Abraham and He is still making good on that promise. 

Jesus came to save us because it was through the lineage of Abraham.

We have to get back to the day we got saved. We can't live a life without God and be saved. Because you're under conviction.

James 4:2-3

If you don't ask for a blessing or forgiveness, you'll never receive it.