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Spiritual death, What is it? Pt. 2

Ephesians 2:1-9

Are you spiritually dead or alive and well and doing God's will?

There's no such thing as a small sin in God's eyes. Sin is sin is sin is sin in God's eyes.

This body is a temporary vessal. We were born to die. But spiritual death is seperation from God.

By grace we are saved. Thank God, He gave His only Son to die for us.

Jesus makes the dead alive and that's what He did for me all those many years ago. I was dying and going to hell. And He saved me!

Just because you get saved doesn't mean satan stops pulling at you.

Even after turing our backs on God, God still loves us and still shows us mercy.

The only thing that will overcome death, and change your path is Jesus, a relationship with Jesus Christ is what will saved you. 

Even if you thin you're a good person and haven't been saved, deosn't entitle you to go to heaven.

3 characteristics of a spiritually alive person:

  1. They hunger for the word of God. Matthew 5:6
  2. They make sound.
  3. They're constantly growning.