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Spiritual death, What is it?

Genesis 2:15-17 & Genesis 3:8-12

We're at war, first of all with Satan. he's at war with you. He doesn't want you to cling to the blood. He knows the Bible. He's called the prince of the power and the air. Ephesians 2:2. The prince of demons in Matthew, he's also called. He's called a prince because he's not a king. There's only one king. And that's Jesus Christ.

Sin is the #1 thing that keeps us off balance, that will keep us from serving the Lord, Jesus. Sin will keep you out of church. Sin will keep you from worship. Sin will keep you from witnessing if left unchallenged. 

If we focus on self, we're not focused on Jesus.

Spiritual death = seperation from God.

When God questioned Adam about eating the fruit, Adam blamed everyone but himself. Eve blamed the serpent. They could have both kept their focus on God and turned away from temptation.

We have a sin problem in this world.

Sin in our lives can do the same thing to us as it did to Adam. 

Hebrews 9:27

Sin will take you further down the rabbit hole than you ever want to go. 

It only takes a little bit of sin to burn up with you've worked hard towards Jesus.

One day we'll be able to walk up to Jesus and hug Him and thank Him for dying for you.

We all have sinned and came short of the glory of God.

If you don't know Jesus all you got to do is reach up and take His hand. He wants to have a relationship. He knows every hair on your head. He knows when your heartbeat began and when it will end.