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We are at war Pt. 2

Genesis 19: 4-11

The music made me think, are we going to choose jesus or are we going to choose Hell? Thank God I chose Jesus. 

Everytime I've turned my back on God, He never told me I wasn't welcome home. He knows our faults and mistakes. He's with us when we make those mistakes. I know He was with me when my back was turned away from Him.

When you get a crowd together like that, that is against God, they get violent. Crowds like BLM, LGBTQ, The woke people, they don't care about anything but pushing their agenda. 

1 John 2:15-17

If God was going to judge Sodom, there was no doubt that He will judge us. 

What we're living in today is not new to God. He's seen it before. He's going to judge us again. I just pray He calls us home before He judges the rest of the world.

Are we willing to give our families up to the crowd and stand fast for God?

 There is a better way; there is a better love; Jesus is a better love than what the world has to offer.