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We are at war

Genesis 19:1-11

God said this story was important for us to study about. 

Abraham pleaded for Sodom. But the #1 sin was the pride they had. Thinking that they knew more than God. 

Just like today with the LGTBQ movement pushes the agenda down the throats of everyone. That's not God. 

 God is going to have day soon.

We're all guilty of coming short of the glory of God. When I point fingers there's three pointing back at me. 

I believe God has set aside something better in heaven. But if you don't believe in Jesus and don't know Jesus is your Lord and Savior this world is the best you'll ever get.

If you don't know Jesus, He's calling you today. He wants to have a relationship with you. 

Pride will stumble you. It's amazing it's called gay pride and the #1 sin of Sodom was Pride.