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Don't let your past ruin your future, Pt. 2

Philippians 3:13-14

God is giving us time to get saved. People say I need to get things worked out before I can go to church. But this is a hospital or a bandage place. you come here to get those things set right. 

The past and sin if we truly repent is no longer an issue for us because God has cast them as far from us as east is from the west. When you wake up look forward to what God has got set for you. When you go to bed look forward to what God has set forward for you in the morning. 

God knew before He made Heaven and Earth that He was going to go to the cross for us.  If all we do is hang on to the material of this would what would we look forward to in glory? 

We will never reach for the prize if we hang on to the things in this world. Focus on Heaven, on where you'll be for eternity and not on the world. Some people work their whole lives and they end up traveling but they don't put their focus on Jesus. 

We struggle with the day-to-day of this world and one day we won't have those pains. 

Luke 9:62

God wants us to have the kinds of eyes that don't get distracted by the left or right or look back but keeps focused on Jesus. 

Matthew 6:14-15

If you dwell on things in the past then God will dwell on things in your past. How can we expect God to forgive us if we can't forgive our brothers and sisters in Christ?

The best thing to do for someone who has done something against you is pray for them. God will give you the peace you seek. Nothing we go through hasn't already happened somewhere in the past.  If we want peace that surpasses all understanding, how can get it if we don't look to the Father?

He could have said, "hey they're not worth the pain" and called legions of angels down but He loved us that much. We need to remember that.