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Don't let your past ruin your future

It matters that we put Jesus first in our lives. You can dwell on the past and that can wreack havoc on your life and future if you dwell on things that you wish you had or could have had. 

Isaiah puts things into prespective. He was talking about the Lord Jesus years before Jesus ever came on the scene. He prophesied what Jesus would do. 

When I dwell on the past, I think on the things I use to do before I knew Jesus. I think on the things that I knew were appalling to God. If we live in the past, it's going to take our focus off of God and put our focus on the world and self. The devil will want you to think you had it so good before you were a christian. The only day we should go back to is the day the Lord saved us. 

I think about the things I missed out on by being a christian but God blessed me with so much more. When we're on the mountain we forget all that he's done for us. But that's why He lets us go to the valley. So we can get our focus back on Him. 

How about the accidents He's moved out of your way, or when someone was really sick and you didn't catch it?  That was God.

Isaiah 43:25

God cannot be in the prescence of an unholy or imperfect person.  So He gave us a perfect sacrifice Jesus. 

3 reasons to not dwell on the past.

  1.  We lose our focus. Don't get caught up in self.
  2. We will think all things will come from me and not from Jesus. Do you think we buy our salvation? No. It's a desire and a gift from Jesus Christ.
  3. We remember our old sinful nature. God said put your past behind you.

Psalms 103:10-13

I remember the times when I wasn't where I was suppose to be with God. And He told me, "I still love you." He never turned His back on me and He'll never turn His back on you either.  He loves you like body will ever love you. I'm not worthy but I'm glad He don't count on the worthiness of Kyle. To the ones who won't accept Jesus, this world is all you'll ever have. 

He realizes that we have a fallen nature but He pities us like a father. Aren't you glad you know Jesus?

1 John 1:9-10

If you need help and the devil is on your back, call on Jesus, if it's right with Him now, keep it right.  But if you don't know Him or if you'v fallen by the wayside, come to the alter and get things right with God.