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Characteristics of a Godly Mother

Proverbs 31:25-31

There's nothing the world can offer you or our children that God wants you to have. Nothing the world has can be greater than the love mother's have for their children.  A mother's love comes from God. I hear stories about mothers abandoning their children. I thank God I had a mom who never abandonded me. This is a special day. There is a difference between being biologically a mother and being a mom. A mom is chosen.  God gaves us mothers to protect us, love us, and show us the way. 

Exodus 20:12

We need to honor our mothers just as much as we honor our fathers. When we're hurt, we run to mom. When we're sick we run to mama. When we're hungry we run to mama. Nobody knows how to cure us like our mamas. 

There's so many stories of moms and dads being thrown away as they've gotten older.  As if they had no use. But there's so much knowledge in the older folks. God didn't intend for us to throw  away our moms and dads when they get older. He wants us to love them, honor them, protect them, cherish them. 

Mamas pray for their children so much today. But if you're not careful, the world has a way of pulling them away from us. We need to cherish our moms while we can, every day. 

This proverb is actually a mama telling her son what to look for in a wife. 

When a mama is in labor, having a baby, the mother is in a whole love of pain, but as soon as that baby is born that pain slips away and the bond is born. I believe that the love moms have for their children stems from the love God has for us all.

Isaiah 66:13

Yea, we love mamas, we love what they do for us, but we need to never forget the greatest relationship of all and that is with the Lord, Jesus Christ. A proud day for mamas is when they get to see their child walk down the aisle to the alter and get on one knee and accept Jesus into their hearts and get saved. 

This earth has a time limit and when we go onto the otherside, mamas want their children to have that eternal relationship. Wouldn't you want your mama to be strong and have honor when you're coming to the Lord? That's what mamas have. 

When your mama passes away, you will never forget her, her strength and honor is what has built that bond. The main goal for a mama is to raise a child up and introduce them to Jesus Christ. A mama doesn't teach a young child about LGBTQ and sexuality. Be diligent with your childrent, grandchildren, great-grandchildrent. Satan is coming for kids when their really young. 

If you don't teach them the word of God, the devil is going to be using the tools of this would to pull them into the pits of hell. 

Are mamas allowed to get sick? Sometimes a kind word can heal a multitude of feelings for a mama. Mom I love you. Thank you mom. I appreciate you mom. 

Husbands, we need to be appreciative of our wives and be thankful for mamas who have held on to the word of God and raised the kids in His word. 


2 Timothy 1:1-6

  1. God told Timothy he had Faith because it was in his mom and grandmother.                   1 Corinthians 13:4
  2. Mamas need love. Do your mamas love you? Do your grandmas love you? mama doesn't do thinkgs for her. She does things for you. Even if she had to paddle your behind. It was for your benefit. The world doesn't teach love.  Mama's love is strong but Jesus' love is stronger. He stepped down off His throne and died for us. 
  3. Teach your kids about Grace.