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Joy in the church

Philippians 1:1-11

Some folks you cn just fill the joy in them when you about church and Jesus with them. They are just filled with joy. We think joy only comes when things are good and you're on the mountain but when about when you're in a valley? Joy can be found in unusual places. When you find Jesus you can find Joy everywhere. When Jesus/the Holy Spirit fills your heart, joy fills your soul.

In these verses, Paul is in prison and is writing a letter giving thanks to God. How many of us would be able to do this? Would you have the grace and peace to thank God? I don't know that Kyle would be in a joyful mood sitting in prison. But Paul was. He was in a joyful mood because he was looking at what he had to look forward to. He does end up being executed for the cause but he ended up in glory. 

Even the lowest points in our lives, God will give us joy. You can find joy in even the lowest point of your life. Joy don't come from the state of mind of being sad. Joy comes from being filled with Jesus. Leave your burdens at the feet of Jesus and I promis you, you will leave with Joy in your heart.

The devil works hard to make you feel bad or sad to come to church and gives you a list of excuses why you can't go to church. Jesus is the on you can find joy in. 

Ways to find joy.

  1. find joy in prayer. How many people say you don't feel lighter and filled with more joy when you pray to God?
  2. find joy in life through Jesu.

Hebrews 12:1-2

How many times have you felt like the weight of the world is on your back? Jesus endureth the cross and still had joy and shares that joy with christians today. If you think you have it bad, wait till the church is called home. When God calls us home, the world that is left will be without joy. God said we need to set down, lay down the sin and set it at the feet of Jesus. Sin keeps us from joy. 

Galatians 5:22

Love is the most important thing but joy is the second fruit of the spirit. How important is it to God that we be joyful? When He calls us home, we will be getting our glorified mind, and bodies. Adam knew what that was like and threw it away. 

Proverbs 17:22

Joy is better than medicare. It makes us the christian that we are suppose to be. How can we not be joyful and not think about the things God has done for us. Find joy in the Holy spirit.

Romans 14:17

We should have joy that He has moved in and not worried about what we're goint to eat or drink. Don't be concerned with what's going on in the world. God is in charge. He's put kings on thrones and taken knings off of thrones. 

Joy heals.

James 1:2-4

When you fall into temptations, count it joy, because all it does is give you patience. Even in the worse times, God still finds joy for you to have. Joy is in the belief and ahving faith in the Lord Jesus. The only way to find the joy is to share your troubles with Jesus.