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Do you love me?

John 21:12-17

I'm thankful Jesus loved me first. But tonight I want you, to think how you love Jesus. He's proven His love. How would you prove your love for Jesus? Does your life show that you love Jesus, beyond a shadow of a doubt? Do I love Him the way I should? I don't the way I should. 

I would hope we could answer the question honestly "Do you love Jesus?" Jesus wants to know "do you love Him more than others?" How would you answer that? Could you answer that truthfully?

If you were Simon Peter, and were sitting down to dinner with Jesus, and He asked you "lovest thou me more than these?" How would you answer? Simon said, "yes." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." The first time Simon was asked if he knew Jesus. He denied knowing Jesus. People were mocking Jesus and Simon was scared. Obviously, he repented. Jesus didn't deny him. 

So I ask you, Do. You . Love. Jesus?

When your reputation is on the line will you acknowledge your love for Him or will you deny Him like Simon Peter did? When Jesus asked a second time Simon said he did, Jesus told him to, "feed my sheep." 

2,000 years ago you were mocked and executed for following Jesus. Today people still mock and fully those who openly acknowledge and follow Jesus. Which road will you walk on? Denial or acknowledgement?

When you're at work and you're told you have to serve your master, will you choose Jesus or will you choose the world? When Jesus asked Simon a third time if he loved Him, Simon was getting upset about being questioned liked this. But God is making sure Simon's heart is true. When Simon said he did love Jesus, Jesus told him to "feed my sheep."  What He meant was 'spread my gospel.' 

I know I'm not worthy of Jesus' love. I admit I don't focus on Him like I should every day. It's not evasy but that's what we're suppose to do as christians. When you stand before God at judgement, He will ask you,  "why you didn't 'feed His sheep'?"

Did Jesus know Simon's heart? He wanted Simon to know his own heart.  Jesus knows your heart and wants you know your heart. When Jesus told Simon that he was going to die a martyr, He told Simon he would have eternity with Him in Heaven. All he needed to do was plant the seed and tell people about Jesus. And when he heard about his death Jesus told Simon what he had to do from then on. And that was to "Follow me."

Do you love Jesus? - Feed the lambs

Do you love Jesus? - Feed the sheep

Do you love Jesus? - Feed the sheep

Follow Jesus?