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Why go to church? pt. 2

Acts 2:37 - 47

How we're to establish a church. I can only speak for myserlf. I've NEVER gone to church and left feeling like I've shouldn't have been there, or been disappointed. Jesus can do so much when we're together in worship. Nothing comes close to what He can do. He said we're supose to get together and break bread . (taking in the blood or flesh of Christ) and fellowship together. 

In these verses, Peter had just preached a message that absolutely got the attention of those present all day. 

Ecclesiastes 9:1

If anyone can take a snapshot in time and establish a church in way it should be was that man. There is no new thing under the sun to God. How do we estabish a church?


If we don't do that, then there's a problem. We're following a different set of rules. 

Back then they counted men, but it wasn't just men, it was woemen, kids, servents, etc, thousands got saved. 

Jesus preached, "Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand." When Peter told them to repnt that Jesus was the only way to get to heave, the holy sprirt wasn't just working on him but on those who were listening. What happens when we get saved is the holy spirit dwells in our hearts, souls, and minds and we will be a lot better off than we would be in any other way.

There's no other way to establish a church. This is the only way to build up a church. Build each other up, teach Jesus, pray for each other, teach Jesus, teach Jesus, teach Jesus, teach Jesus. 

There's a mission here in Hilliard, Florida because so many churches aren't teaching repent the kingdom of Jesus is at hand. We don't need a self-help book. We don't need to be soncerned with being rich and famous. Our message has become diluted. If we don't get back on the path of Jesus, then the path of Jesus is gone. 

I know by my own experiences, if it hadn't been for Jesus, I'd be on the path to hell today.

We don't believe the message anymore. If we truly believed the message God gave in the Bible, we wouldn't have a problem inviting people to church.

God knows our hearts. We need to preach REPENT. Jesus preached it. John the Baptist preached it. Peter preached it. Paul preached it. 

We don't ask for a church revival that is why don't have a revival in our hearts. We have to tell everyone we come in contact with about Jesus. We know Jesus is our Lord and Savior. 

James 4:2-3

Do we really mean it when we ask?

Acts 2:40 - untowards generation meands hard to teach. sounds like today doesn't it? The devil is happy and content when we don't do what God wants us to do. He knows the Bible better than most of us do.