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Why go to church?

Hebrews 10:23-25

I posed this question to our Wednesday night group. And I've studied and pondered on the question. It's amazing how God puts things together; how God puts us together to worship, to fellowship, to sing, and the common demoninator is Jesus. 

We're living in the days of A.I. We have A.I. in the internet. I've looked at the statistics that show coming to church is at an all time low in a free country. But I wonder what keeps us from church?

The Bible teaches us the opposite than the statistics, that at the end of times, we should have more church. We barely have a morning service,wednesday service, and evening service. Because we're not putting Jesus first. It's not about feeling good, looking good. It's about Jesus. 

If we really believed in what He did on the cross you couldn't keep us out of church. If we really believed in heaven or hell we'd be in church more. 

I'd be in church every single day. From the very beginning from Adam & Eve, if he tarrys you can't be by yourself. You have to be together. It's nto a crutch for us to come to church. From the time God created man, He said we shouldn't be alone.

Genesis 2:18

In Adam & Eve's day He would actually come down and walk in the garden with them. He wants to be with us. If we're going to honor God, there's a few things we have to do.

Exodus - Honor the Sabbath

We honor God on Sundays; the day Jesus was resurrected.

Hebrews 10:23-25

There's something to say about being together. The devil is a no win situation when we're together. If we stand together the devil doesn't stand a chance to take us away from Jesus. 

How are we going to hold fast to God and our profession of faith if we don't go to church and get fed the word of God. Friends come and go, but Jesus never leaves you. He's closer to you than anyone will ever be.

Matthew 18:20

It only takes a few to gather in His name for Jesus to be with them. Gather in His name and He's in your midst. Church is the believers. The heart, soul, and mind. The building is the sanctuary but that's not the church.

God blesses those who honor Him. A test just aint the same as a hug. We're stronger together. Reasons why humans need to be together. Nothing is a mistake with God. He said you need to be together. There's strength in numbers. 

Don't give up on coming to church. We come to church to worship and to fellowship. Be a light to the world.

Matthew 5:16

Be faithful unto the Lord Jesus.