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James 4:1-8

This morning we were talking about the words of comfort. this eveing we're talking about worldliness and how it gets into a church. We have to have a heart's desire as a church to witness to everyone we see. 

 I like the book of James. James steps on toes and doesn't mind. He's talking how wrong the worldliness is when it gets in church. Church ain't like what it was when I was little. Church back then you were in awe the whole time. You have respect for the church.  

James tells us how to draw nearer to God. James is laying it down by asking why do you think you're in the position you're in right now? How long will we allow the world to be  in our church? How long will we allow the world to dictate the ways of our church?

The world needs to get out of the church. We are not in control. Jesus is in control and as soon as we put that in our mind, we will remember that the best we can do is come with filthy rags. 

We need to teach our kids based on the teachings of Jesus. What is the birth of worldliness in our church? It started when people began to bring stuff inside from the world. We have to pose the question as a church. do we stand on the word of God or do we want to be of the world?

If we allow things, covet things, etc., and not put Jesus first then we're lost. Anything you put before God in our church makes you an adulterer or adulteress. We're nothing special without Jesus. Jesus makes us special.

I've seen church on Youtube that looks like a rock concert with lights, and fog. That's not church. You can't serve God and mammon. We at North Hilliard Baptist Church don't serve mammon. We want to keep our focus on JESUS!!!

Your flesh will pull you way down the rabbit hole further than you want to go. God didn't say there was multiple religions. He said follow the Word of God. Anything other than that is wrong. James is telling us that there is a more excellent way; to conform to the likeness of Christ.

We have to put our focus on everything: work, home, family, etc. Even I an have trouble focusing on God if the world is beating on my doors too loud. Christ has grace, after grace, after grace, after grace, after grace, and if you put your mind on Him, He would put grace on your soul. 

We're suppose to live day by day in Christ. We need to submit ourselves to the authority of God to what God inteneds to do in our lives.  Pray without ceasing, put Jesus first. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. When the devil is reaking havoc in your life, call on the blood of Jesus. What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus. 

He knows every hair on our heads. Why don't we try to learn something about Him. When I reached up, He reached down and I thank God He did. You're either with Jesus or you're not.  We should avoid worldliness.

I'll by the first to raise my hand to say I need a better realtionship with Jesus. Who is going to join me in building a better relationship with Jesus. Don't not take the relationship with Jesus for granted. If you have a doubt, go to the Lord in prayer. Come to the alter.