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Comfort one another with these words

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

We should comfort one another. From the uttermost to the guttermost. Even if it's a kind word. It's easy to kick someone when they're down. That's what they world teaches us. When someone is clibing the ladder to bring them down. But that's not what the Bible says. It's easy to use harsh words and bring someone down. But to lift someone up with kind words, that's what the Bible says to do. 

I'm so thankful the church as a whole, lifts each other up in prayer with comfort. Too many times people are left by the wayside but that's not us. When somebody's down, ti's easy to kick them down, but to pick up the phone and telling someone you appreciate them and you love them is not a hard thing to do. 

We shouldn't be forgetting those who have begunf to lose their faith. We should be lifting them up. When you see someone in need, it's the world who tells you to walk on past or to push them further down. By the world, I mean the devil. The Bible tells us that God wants us to comfort those who are in need. 

When we're not living for Christ, you have money and a lot of friends. But when the chips are down and the money runs out, where are those "friends"? They're not friends. They're accquaintances.  Jesus is a friend who will never leave nor forsake you. He is a true friend.

It's vital for us to lift everyone up in prayer. When you made the agreement to go to church, then you're going to church. Regardless. But we need to go where we can go where we can get comfort from our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

If we have a realstionship with the Father we need to be sharing it. If it weren't for those who called on my name and lifted me up in prayer, I'd be out in the world or dead.

1. We should be comforted in the fact that we're saved. Look at the world and what the world has to offer. People are dying and going to hell. We should share the gospel message. God puts the message on our hearts to share with others who need comforted. 

John 3:16-18

We should be thankful we have salvation. I'm not worthy. But it was by the Grace of God, by the Blood of Jesus. We should be comforteed in the remembering the day that Lord saved your soul. We have alter calls every service and there's so many I see that just won't come down to the pews and receive that comfort. What God did for you is personal, but if you share that story, that person might not get saved. Sharing your story will help you remember the excitement.

2. Find comfort in that we're sealed until the day of redemption

Ephesians 4:24-30

We shouldn't be talking about people, we should be talking about people because their doing something or going someplace you wouldn't go. That's between them and God. 

We need to be lfiting them up in prayer if we see them faltering from the path of righteousness. 

Once you're in the hand of God, Nobody can take you out of His hand. Once you're saved you're saved by the Grace of God. If you're saved, then the Holy Spirit moved in permanently. Everywhere we go, Jesus is with us. You can tell the devil to leave you alone because He's already lost the war. 

1 Thesselonians 4: 13-18

3. We're secure. We should remember Jesus is the King of Kings. We don't serve a dead God. We serve a living God. He's secured a mansion for us. 

All that I spoke about, that dead in Christ shall rise, will mean nothing, if we don't have a relationship with God.