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Looking for Jesus in all the wrong places

Luke 24:1-12

They didn't realize the impact Jesus would have on the world when they crucified Him. I wouldn't ask for a better day than today to praise the resurrection and lifting Jesus up. Would you like to make a choice today? One way or the other you have to choose. Sometimes when we are looking for the Lord, we're looking in the wrong places. 

Even back in the day of Jesus they were looking for Him in the wrong plaves. Because the real, living, God is on the Right hand of the throne. We serve a living God.  You can't put anything in front of serving Jesus. 

Even coming to church can't be put in front of serving Jesus because then it's a social club. We have to servce jesus because he's the only way to Heaven. You're either going to live for eternity in Heaven with God or live in etgernity in hell. 

The only think that matter is that you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. When you stand before Him on judgement day, will he say that He knows you? When you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior then He will tell you that He knows you. When you stand before Him on judgement day. But just to be saved isn't all there is to it. You can't just say the words. 

You have to believe and have faith.

When we look in verse 4... They didn't know who those two men were. And then men asked: "Why seek ye, the living amongst the dead?"