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Jesus is my cornerstone

Ephesians 2:19-22

How many of you know anything about building? Even if it's arts and crafts? We're going to talk about how important the first step is. The most important step you can make in your christian walk is to step off with Jesus. If you go any other way, then you're not going the way you should be going. 

When you build anything, you start off with the foundation. Jesus is the foundation of our salvation. And that's what we're talking about. You need to make sure you do when you build something, that first pencil mark, angle, cut, has to be true and square. If you don't, the whole house will be built wrong the whole way.

In your christian walk, the first pencil mark, cut, angle, is Jesus. Starting with Jesus will make your foundation true and square. Our eyes need to be focused on Jesus all the time. 

If you put Jesus, plus something, you're not walking the narrow path. If you put Jesus minus something, you're not walking the narrow path. It's Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He said, "I am the way, and the path to the Father." You have to put Jesus first to have a solid foundation.

It doesn't matter where you come from, or what your background is, if you know Jesus as your savior, then we're all going to be citizens of Heaven. Heaven won't be divided by groups. We're going to be together, worshipping Jesus. There's not an unfamiliar face in heaven. We'll know who everyone is because we're all brothers and sisters in Christ, join-heirs to the throne of God.

Your mansion will be built perfect. Keep your eyes on glory and don't focus on things of this world that you can take with you. Being join-heirs gives you benefits that you wouldn't have otherwise.

We should be using the word of God to guide us through this world. Aren't you glad we love our brothers and sisters in Christ? Jesus was the foundation. The foundation of your spiritual life is Jesus Christ. What the prophets did and what the saints did was wonderful, but keep your eyes on Jesus. 

Jesus knew He was the only one who was perfect to take the punishment that He took. 

You can build your house on someone else and it will start to settle but if you built it on Jesus, you will be building on a solid foundation. Jesus accepted the punishments for us because He loved us. 

But there's going to come a time when He will have had enough of the strife. And when He does come, He is not coming to pick and choose. He knows who deserves to be in Heaven. 

Fitly framed = no wiggle room. We should be living a holy life for Jesus. I see prayer warriors here today, that are holy temples for Jesus to live in.

1 Peter 2:3-9

We can struggle, don't give up the fight. We can fight, don't give up. God said, He'll never give you more than you can handle. Why do we need to be built onto a temple? Because the lord Jesus dwells right in our hearts. 

Jesus is our chief cornerstone in our life. If you haven't made Jesus your cornerstone, it's not too late. You need to put Jesus first in your life now. 

How much longer do you think God will allow you to ignore Him?