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Build your house upon the rock

Matthew 7:24-27

The only way we can know and appreciate our home in heaven is to build our home on THE rock and that's Jesus. Build your foundation on Jesus. Every aspect of our Christian walk needs to be 100% true and correct and focused on Jesus. 

We know us as huans we're not perfect, but Jesus was. There is no way us humans could follow the commandments 100% of the time, but Jesus could and did from birth for 33 1/3 years.  I'm grateful that Jesus saved me. I was needy and I'm grateful  for Him. 

Rock and Sand Foundations 

Jesus was speaking in these versus. God has a way of working things out. Jesus is not just a rock, He's THE Rock.; THE Foundation to build your house on. All you need to do is believe that He will come and save you and will pave the way for you to be saved. And you will be saved. All you need to do to be saved is to believe.

Even Noah built the ark on a rock. He built it on Jesus. And he was mocked for it. But when the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew, the people had a different frame of mind. 

 If you don't remember the things Jesus does for us or the times when he was within you, then you need to get right with God and put Jesus first. When you put Jesus first, He will supply your needs. God said, "He'll never put more on yor than you can handle."

When you sway towards something that is of the flesh and not of Jesus, then you have veered off the path to glory. Church worship is great, but if we don't break open this Bible on a daily in any church then we will be over run with false prophets. And God said, "Beware the false prophets." 

We need the Bible in our life. We don't use the Bible like we're suppose to. We don't teach the Bible like we're suppose to.  If when you witness to someone and they get mad, it's not you that they are mad at. God said, "if they hated me, then they'll hate you."

We're blessed to have someone willing to stand up and teach Jesus. We're blessed to have someone willing to stand up and sing Jesus. The next thing we need on a daily that is important is prayer. We need to be praying all the time. Calling upon the name of the lord. We can't expect others to pray and us to take a step back and say our prayers for us. We need to get back to praying on a daily.

The third thing we need is: fellowship. We need to get all these tools together and build our temples. If we're not doing these three things how can we withstand the strong wind the devil will blow at us. If we put ourselves in a position to fail in our christian walk, then we're going to fail. But if we pray and accept Jesus and build Christian walk with Him, then He will provide for us. 

If we don't accept Jesus. If we don't get prepared now, then guess what will happen...

Now is the time to get things right. 

If we know that Jesus is the savior and we're not prepared then you will be likened unto a foolish man. Don't leave unfinished business in your heart. Talk to Him. He wants to hear from you. 

You ever build a sand castle at the beach? What happens when the water comes to the sand castle? It takes it down. What happens when a sand castle and the winds blew? It's torn down. But if you built on the rock....

Will you build on rock or on sand?