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Lukewarm Christians Pt. 2

1 kings 18:38-46

This morning we talked about how Ahab tried to throw Elijah a curve and accused him of causing Israel to become soft. But it was Ahab and not Elijah who had his followers worshipping Baal. These weren't the first to slip away. In the time of Moses, the Israelites worshipped a golden calf while they grew impatient waiting for Moses to come down from the mountain. 

But Elijah knew he just had to do, what God told him to do. That's not an easy thing, because people are at fault when something tickles their ears, they follow what seems easier. But it's up to use to bring others to Jesus. I can't sae anyone, only Jesus can. But if we as Christians bring them and introduce them to Christ, Jesus will do the rest. 

God wants us all on the same page. He wants us all to be unified. God didn't create the different religions, man did. But as long as we know that Jesus is the way to Heave, then we're on the right path. It's when those people teach of "other ways" that brings the crazy out. 

Jesus said, "I am the light and the way."

I can't stand myself when I'm lukewarm. I know it happens, but I know God wants us to be on fire for Him. It's a trial that we have to battle every day. If I don't like myself, when I'm lukewarm, can you imagine how God feels?

God sent His fire when Elijah called on Him to show He was the one true God. 

I believe God told Elijah how to set the altar, so that those people know that it is truly a fire from God and not man made. 

We don't have to live life as a lukewarm christian.

  1. all we need to do is call upon the Lord God. But if you listen, He will put you where you can be used.
  2. We need to seek His will. Even the lost can sense the power of God. If God is in a song or sermon, the lost can feel the power of God in those words and in those messages.

When we put self in charge, we look for results from self. But if we put God in charge, He will be faithful and true and will put us back on path.

Now why would God slay the prophets of Baal? If something is causing you to vear from God's path, it's better to cut it out of your life. If something is holding you back from sensing God, you need to surgecically remove it from your life.

He'll never put you in a place where you won't be able to live a full and faithful life with God. God knows those secret sins.