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What does the Bible say about being content?

1 Timothy 6:6-10

Are you truly, truly content with everything you've got? I've asked myself this. The contentment will bring you closer to God. Not having contentment will seperate you from God. And you will begin to covet. 

Back in the day, the Rockafellas were asked, "how much is enough?" I thought the answer was thought provoking. He said, " It's just a little bit more." He wanted a little bit more than he already head.

If you asked Elon Musk or the Rockafellas, they'd say they wanted just a little bit more than what they had. They're not truly happy. Me? I couldn't handle that kind of wealth. Got won't give you something you can't handle. 

Is your relationship with Jesus enough? Is it really enough to sustain us? Or is there something missing that causes us to covet what we don't have?

That's the problem with the world. The grass is always greener on the other side. The world will always offer it to you. It might not be Jesus offering it to you, Satan makes those offers in the world.  The grass is greener on the other side ever heard that? Well the greener grass grows over a septic tank.

 If the world as a whole were content with what we have, we'd be a happier world. That's where the coveting comes in. The coveting causes a wedge between you and God. You should always put Jesus first before anything and anyone. We need to be content as people. The most causes of divorce is men will look at women and covet someone who might look prettier and women will look at other men and think they will treat them better. 

We need to focus on God, our Salvation, and be content with what we have. If you have a roof over your head, a way to go,  food on your table, we need to be content. Because if we're not, one of those things will be taken from us. We need to be focused on God and on where we will be spending eternity.

Matthew 6:31-33

Seek ye first, seek God first, put your eyes on glory, put your heart, mind, and soul on Jesus Christ. Be content with what we have. Don't ever think it can't be worse, it can get worse. 

Seek ye first, God is telling you to trust in Him and He will always give you what you need. 

Pslams 16:8-11

Put Jesus first in your life, in everything, no matter if they take everything away from you, the Bible teaches us that you will be taken care of. Be thankful and content with what you have even if you have to eat something 2-3 times a week.

I want to give you 3 things to think about:

  1.  Be content with what God give us. There's nothing wrong with what you have. Everyon's situation is different.
  2. Be content with your relationship with Jesu. Don't look for false hope, or false Gods.
  3. Be content with what you don't have. Maybe we don't have it because we don't need it or can't handle it.

Ecclesiastes 5:12

Be happy with what you have. You wanting to desire other things can cause you to stumble. If God gave you a job, be glad for the job you have. If you have food on the table, be glad you have food, and a way to get the food.

Philippians 4:11-13

Paul said he's been there, in the high times, the low times, happy times, sad times, and said He can do all things through Christ which strengthens him. He said no matter what state he's in,  he's going to be content. We have to be thankful for even our worst days. Some countries in this world suffer worse than we do. we need to be content for everything we have.