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Romans 5:1-9

Justification means we're not sinless by any means, but we're justified by Jesus. We're going to talk about what it means to be justified. to be justified is to be declared righteous by Jesus. A sinner is delcared or made just as if it never happened through Jesus. If it wasn't for Him, we'd get what we deserved, which is the go to Hell.

I'm glad Jesus loved me, I'm not worthy, but I'm appreciative that he loved a sinner like me. 

Justification takes constant communication and relationship with Jesus to be justified. When we sin, and we do sin, and continue to sin, even after being saved, we sin and until we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we'r enot justified.

Even the thought of something is a sin, even I have thoughts that are sins and I prent for those sins/thoughts constantly.

Romans 5:1-9

These verses explain how we are justified by the blood of Christ.

We are justified by our faith. Our faith brings peace with God. Not because we deserve it but because we need that one on one. We haven't done anything except surrender our lives at Jesus' feet. Do you remember the day you were saved? The peace you fealt, The excirtment of knowing Jesus Christ is your Lord & Savior.

The Bible said the best we could do filthy rags. The only way we could get to God is through Jesus. Jeus said, "I am the way!" I guarantee you, if you tried to have that relationship alone, you'd fail miserably. Our relationship with God is absolutley based on Jesus. And it takes faith. Based on the relationship I know that, I know that, I know that I'm saved.

We live in an age of Grace today. We live in an age that is justified by Jesus Christ and that He came out of the tomb. If we didn't have faith we wouldn't have grace. You can't half-step with Jesus. You can't be on the fence with God. You can't live on way in the world, and be another way at church. You have to submit 100%. I'm not saying this gives us a license to sin, but when we do sin, He forgives us because we're justified, we're joint-heirs to the throne of God; we're royalty.

Ephesians 2:8-9

And we should be thankful for that. That about what it be be like if jesus had said, "I'm not going to the cross. I'm not giving my life for the people who've spit on me, and mocked me." But He loved us so much, that He diead for us.

Jesus said, He's faithful and true. Grace is THE give of God. You can't work your way into glory, no matter how much money you give or how much you work.

We are justified by: Faith and by the blood

God required blood, a death for the grace He gives and jesus stepped down from His throne to die for us. We weren't righteousness, or even trying to live a holy life. but Christ went to the cross to pay the sin debt because of the love He has for us. Because of this we're saved from God's wrath. 

2,000 years ago it took the blood of Jesus to remiss sins, and 2,000 years later, now, it takes the blood of Jesus to remiss sins, and if it takes Him that long, 2,000 years from now it will take the blood.

Hebrews 9:22 

If Jesus didn't give His blood freely, we'd be required to pay our own sin debt. God fave His only son and the only thing He asked for in return is love. When Jesus said, "It is finished," that is all that was required for the remission of sins for the whole world.

Thirdly, we are justified by his grace.

Titus 3:7

This means we're adobpted into the royal family. God Himself is our true father and has adopted us through the blood of Jesus. It's because of His love that we're saved tonight. If you don't have a relationship and haven't accepted Jesus as your savior, NOW is the time to accept Him.