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Unlocking the Power of God in your life

Philippians 2:5-11

How can we unlock the power of God in our lives? We desire to have the power of God in our lives. But what are we doing to address the issue?

Jesus is still in the soul saving business, He's still coming. It is the same as it was as in the town of Sodum & Gamora. 

I'm going to tell you the code to unlocking the power of God. The code to unlock the power of God is:

F A I T H 

If you want to unlock the power you have to have the right code to over the hurdles that is keeping God out of your life. Faith in Christ is the key to walking a Christian walk. 

Roman 10:7

We've got to be able to believe , we've got to be grounded in the whole word of God and believe that it's 100% true. You have to believe n Jesus to get saved. You have to believe in His power. Verse 5 means to let us have a mind like  Christ Jesus.

If we don't have the heart's desire, the soul, that Jesus had to reach the lost people, no matter who it is, Jesus will make it happen. We need to be the way He wanted us to be in our lives.

Verse 6: Why is it not robbery? Because Jesus IS God. The Father gives Jesus ALL authority towards us. Jesus didn't come to be a royal. He didn't come to be a king last time, He came to be a servant. When He talked to the people, He was on their level. He could have come as the highest King, which He is, but He humbled Himself. He allowed death to overcome His body. he allowed, accepted the mocking, He allowed the cat-o-nine tails to torture His body. he accepted carrying His own cross up that hill called Galgotha. He did this because He loves us.

As we look at the word, He could have called down leagues of angels to stop His crucifixion. But He didn't because He loved us. 

1.) We should Honor the Son. There is power in the Name of Jesus. When we die, Christ is the one who wil judge us. There won't be any second chances, you can't talk yourself free; He will look for His own blood on your soul; If He doesn't see it, He will say, "Depart from me, for I never knew you," We can't save ourselves.

John 5:19-23 - Jesus is speaking. He's telling us that the Son in the one who will be judging us. 

2.) Obey the Commandment of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 22:37-40

How can we witness to other people if we don't love our neighbors? We have to put Jesus first and love our neighbors, lift our fellow brothers and sisters up. If we can't love like this, we can't have a powerful christian life. 

How are we going to reach the lost if we don't love them? What's the more excellent way? LOVE.

3.) Renew your faith daily.

Ephesians 4:22-24

we need to remember what Jesus did for us daily. Remember the day you got saved. You need remember that day daily. If we don't renew our faith daily, satan will try to take you away from your salvation.

4.) Feed your spirit daily

How do we do that? You go to Jesus. He is the bread of life

John 6:49-51

we need reding, preaching, teaching, singing, and praying to feed our souls. The Bible is the manual of life. we need to be praying for everyone we come in contact with, for ourselves, and for our neighbors.

Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God. If we called on God for everything we come in contact with, how strong would we be?