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Fear: is it biblical to fear?

Isaiah 41:10

When i look at that I think, more specific is biblical to be more afraid of man? It's good to fear God because it brought me to salvation. Because I feared Hell. I think, we feared the wrath of God. We do fear the reprecussions whenw e know we're doing wrong. But the fear of man and the world is not something to really be afraid of. If we're worried or afraid of what people and the world think or feel about us, that's not biblical. Fear will keep you from witnessing to somebody. The fear of rejection and the fear of not knowing what to say. WE don't servce 'a' god, we serve 'THE' God. 

If you ask someone if they know Jesus or if they have Jesus in their hearts and they turn away, they're not rejecting you, but they are rejecting Jesus. God doesn't want us to go out in the world on our own, but with the holy spirit. We serve a God that made the universe, us, and all that was created and He wants a relationship with you.

God's telling us we shouldnt' fear anything when we put our faith in Him. I think fear is an option. Think about Job. Job wasn't afraid because he had God on his side. If we submit to God's will and believe in Him, we could move mountains. We could do all thinkgs with just a little bit of fear. 

We turn in our faith because we're afraid He won't answer. But we need to turn that fear over to God. We don't need to fear anything: death, loss, rejection. Why don't we need to fear death? Because Jesus overcame death. The Bible tells us that God doesn't want us to fear. 

John 3:16 tells us that. Not to fear, Not to put your fear in charge, but to put your faith in charge. Just because someone might think you're crazy for believing in Jesus. Why not show them the whole thing. Show them you're belief in Christ. Jesus in with you through every storm.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Kyle don't know the right way to do everything all the time. You don't know but if we give everything to God, He will be with us through everything. God said believe in me.

When He told them to go out in the nations to preachd. They asked what to preach. He said, " Preach Me." Jesus said be not afraid of the world because I've overcame the world. Jesus said, I am with you whe you're on the mountain top, but we only seek Him when we're in the valley but we need to seek Him when we're on the mountain top. When we accept the free gift of salvation, guess what happens. God moves in. He's called the comforter. He said He will never leave us or forsake us.

When He dwells in us, He's a permanent resident in our soul. He's with us through thick and thin.

We sometimes take that for granted. Do you realize that the God I described, the creator of everything is living inside you? Don't be dismayed. Don't be anxious. Don't have anxiety. We live with so much anxiety of the world. But He said Don't do that.

I'm guilty of being anxious.

Philippians 4:6

When we pray for help we've got to leave it with Him and not take the burdens back up on our backs. We don't need to worry because Jesus said, I go to prepare a mansion for you. We won't hurt anymore. No more financial issues. I'm preaching this to you but I'm really preaching this to Kyle. There's no reason to be dismayed. I'm glad when He moves in that its a permanent residence and not a rental agreement. We need to serve God all the time. Not just during the good time, but the bad times too. 

We need to thank God for everything. He said, Be not dismayed. Why? Because I AM GOD!

He sent His son to die for us and that means something to God. It should mean something to you. That He counts you a worthy cause it's not your worthiness but the worthiness of Jesus that paid the ultimate price.

Believe on the Lord Jeus Christ and you'll have nothing to worry about. He said I will strengthen thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Philippians 4:13

There's been times when the things of the world are over our head, but He's right there with us. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Don't take your eyes off Jesus like Peter did when he started to sink. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He will strengthen us and will never leave us. He carries the heavy end of the cross.

When you're on the mountain, we feel like we don't have a need to call on Jesus but when we're in the valley we call on Him. We need to call on Him always.

Psalms 46:1-2

David said in Psalm 23, I don't fear nothing because I've got God on my side.

John 10:28-30

Nobody can take you out of the Father's hands. Even Job knew this. That's the guarantee God gives us when we get saved. Why should we fear when we leave Jesus on our side and in our hearts?