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The Fig Tree

Matthew 21:18-22

Ever heard of a leafy christian? Walk like a christian, talk like a christian, but bears no fruit.?

V 21 - It tells how Jesus cleaned the temple. Did Jesus get angry at anything? Of course. When Jesus came to the temple and saw the dealings that were being made, he turned over the tables.

How many people that we come in contact with today want to hear the word of God? Are hungry for the word of God? If you came in contact with someone and they don't know Jesus, God wants us to feed them the word of God. There's so many out there that are hungry for the word of God.  

I will walk by someone and feel the conviction to tell someone about Jesus and I have walked on and regret not telling them about Jesus. This tree put on the show that it was a fig tree. From the distance you knew it was a fig tree, it was green and leafy, but it produced no fruit.

It's not how we appear on the outside. It's not what you wear. God looks through the bone and tissue to your soul. We're suppose to tell others about the word of God. A christian that doesn't share the gospel is just like that fig tree. Sharing the good news message is the epitomy of being a christian. Shame on me for not sharing the word of God to those I've walked by.

Looking like a christian does not make you a christian. Looking like a fig tree doesn't make you a fig tree. People may see you and say you look like a christian but if you don't share the good news message, that person will walk away hungry. We have to feed them what they need.

When Jesus saw that fig three and saw that it had no fruit, I'm sure He was let down. We have to be a fig tree that produces fruit to feed the masses the word of God. 

There's no better way to show someone they need Jesus than sharing the word of God. 

People are looking for the fruit that will feed their souls. We're the ones that are supposed to be sharing the word to the starving people of our community. We've got to get back to reading our Bibles and get back on our knees to feed our souls. We have to be doing things that will allow us to bear fruit.

If God said, "I'm going to seal your mouth and not let us share the message," what do you think would happen? We will wither like the fig tree did.

Jesus is the vine, we're the branches that are suppose to bear the fruit of Christ. It don't take long at all to get away from Jesus. It don't take long for our brances to wither up.

As much as I love you all and pray for you, I can't save you.

We've got to get plugged back into Jesus. You can't do it just by going to church on Sunday morning, evening, and Wednesday night. The Bible says to pray without ceasing.

If God gave you a gift and you aren't using it, then shame on you. If God put something on your heart to do, and you don't do it, then shame on you.

With prayer all things are possible. Everybody can work in the ministry. Everybody can become a preacher as long as you have Jesus in your heart leading you.

God knows what we need, what this church needs, what you need, what I need. But we have to have faith in Him and believe in Him.

We need to get back to Jesus. That tree offering up leaves only is the same as us as christians if we don't bear fruit. If you don't know what to say, then read your Bible and God will tell you what to say. It doesn't have to be elequent words, it can be something as simple as asking if someone has Jesus in their heart.

Spend an extra 15 minutes a day in the word. God wants us to be fruitful. He wants us to be successful.