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Prayer life and what can destroy it

Isaiah 59:1-13

1 Thesselonians 5:17

We should always give all prayers in thanksgiving. if you're not studying your Bible on a day to day, how else can He tell us what we're to do? Sometimes it's still the little voice we hear in our head.

We need to pray without ceasing.

How can God answer your prayers if you don't have a good prayer life? I've heard, "The family that prays together stays together." I believe that. It goes for churches too. The church that prays together stays together. We need to all get back on our knees and pray to the Lord every day.

1.) Sin in the first thing that can destroy our prayer life with God. We all need to be praying for one another each and every day. When you or I have sin in your life, it puts a spot in our life that gives us troubles. God says we're suppose to turn away from sin and turn to Him for guidance and forgiveness.

Sin is sin. It weakens us spiritually when we're not praying on a dialy basis. The devil wants us weak and will dow hat all he can to keep us turned from God and get the upperhand against God.

Vrs 1. says that God can do anything but when we allow sin to get into our lives, God will not hear us. He can hear our prayers and save us but our iniquities have separated us from God. The fact is that we're always going to be leaning to the desires of the flesh. But God wants to hear our repentence and turn away from our iniquities. That's what we're suppose to do. When I accepted God's will and what He set aside for me and my life, then I received peace that God's forgiveness brings. We need to be on the narrow road to God. 

Vrs 3 - Sin, sin, sin. That's the reason God ain't answering your prayers. God knows everything that you've thought, and said and we need to stop thinking we'll get something over on God. 

If you're going through trials, God will be there with you, ALWAYS.

When you look in the mirror does your reflection show you Jesus in your heart or is it your sin?

We have to put others first in our lives.

2.) Pride will also destroy your prayer life. Pride also destroyed the devil. Pride made him think he would be above God. But pride is what sent him to hell. Pride is the same sin he used on Adam and Eve. he told them they would be like God.

Proverbs 16:18

Pride will cause you to fall on your face. The destruction of Lucifer was his pride.

Isaiah 14:15

1 John 2:16

Pride is not of God. Jesus wasn't a prideful man. What other example would you want to follow if not Jesus Christ?

3.) Anger - Keeping anger in your heart will contaminate your prayers. Have you ever tried to pray for someone with anger in your heart at that person? It's virtually impossible! How can we ask God for forgiveness for our sins when we can't forgive other? Jesus said we have to forgive 70 times 7 times. Just keep forgiving them. If you don't it will destroy you before it will them.

Ecclesastes 7:9

We've turned our backs on God and still expect Him to forgive us.

4.) Unforgiveness - We cannot live in the way God wants us to live if we can't get our minds off of self and get our focus back on Jesus.

Matthew 6:14-15 - This is Jesus talking.

If we haven't forgiven thosee who have hurt us, how can we expect God to forgive us?

If you want a good prayer life, start at the alter. And keep on praying and asking for guidance, love, mercy, patience, and forgiveness. how can we be angry at someone and expect God to love us? Jesus said, "to love each other the way God loves us."