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Who was in the manger?

Luke 2:7-20

Royalty ended up in a barn somewhere.

Merry Christmas.

This tells the story of Jesus. This should be a time of joy and excitement. But it should also be a time of reflection. I wouldn't want to be anywhere than right here on this day. Our focus wasn't on the birth of Christ but on Santa.  If our focus is on getting and giving gifts, then we need to get our focus back where it needs to be. The traditions of Christmas have dwindled down through the years. The eating and celebrating. he didn't have to step off that throne, but He did. 

We know the story, we know He was a babe at this time. It was a significant point to point out, that Jesus was born of a virgin birth. He was laying in a manger and the shepherds were told by angels that He was born.

Matthew 2:1-3

Not only was there going to be a birth, but THE birth, and not just a king but THE king. Herod wanted to know where He was. So he searched and searched. When the three wisemen or Magi, came to his court inquiring about the birth of The king, Herod sent them with his blessings and asked for the whereabouts of the baby king to be brought back so that he could worship as well. But that's not what Herod truly wanted. He wanted to know where the baby was so he could have him killed. 

When the wisemen found the baby lying in a manger, they knew that He was sent to do wonderful things to save us. They gave him beautiful gifts, and worshiped him, and knew they would not be going back to the court of Herod. 

They saved Him so that He could save us.