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Good tree bares good fruit

Matthew 7:15-20

1 John 4:1-6

Good people do good things because of the good in their hearts. Bad people do bad things because of the evil in their hearts. Your words show what is in your heart. 

Church shouldn't be a social club. you should go to church and share the love of Jesus with others, because you want to feel the excitment of the joy God's grace gives. 

With the Lord there's no gray area. You're either with Him or against Him. he doesn't do things halfway. You can't be on the fence with Jesus. You have to know you're saved by the blood of Jesus. if you don't know that you know that you would see glory if you died right now, then you need to talk to Jesus. It's hard not to have the love of Jesus on your face when you're saved by His grace. It's hard to frown. People understand when you're saved by His grace. They know there's something different about you. 

Good trees produce good fruit. Corrupt trees produce bad/evil fruit. You don't even want the seeds of an evil fruit. Nothing good comes from rotten fruit. 

When you're sharing the word of Jesus, and you've got a frown on your face, nobody wants that. that's rotten fruit you're giving them. If a tree doesn't bare good fruit, what good is it?

Don't doubt the relationship you have with the Lord. If you've accepted Him as your savior, then you know where you're going. How do you want to be known? As a good tree, bringing forth good fruit, or as a corrupt tree bringing forth evil fruit?