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Genesis 45:1-8

Forgiveness is important for a believer to do as we say we're going to do. We want to receive that forgiveness given by God.

Mark 11:25-26 - Jesus is speaking. He's saying we seek forgiveness and we should look to our Lord and Savior, and ask for our forgiveness. Why does God forgive us? He does it for Christ's sake, because He died for us. It doesn't come natural for us to forgive, but through Jesus and His sacrifice, we can learn to.

Matthew 18:21-22 - You should continue to forgive. It's an ongoing process. We should forgive all the time.

Genesis 45 - These verses show the forgiveness that Joseph had for his brothers that sold him into Egypt. I don't know if you know the story of Joseph and his 12 brothers or not, but Joseph is a great example of what Jesus did for us. Joseph had to show his brothers a lot of forgiveness because he accepted and believed that God sent him to Egypt. Joseph was the favoried son and his brothers were jealous. Joseph dreamed the visions God gave that his brothers and father would have to kneel down to him one day. So Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery, but even when he was a slave, God kept blessing him. But then the lady of the house accused Joseph of something awful. So the man who bought Joseph threw him into prison. But because God showed him how to interpret dreams, he gave a man in prison the meaning of his dream. When Pharoah heard about his ability, he sent for Joseph to interpret his dream. Joseph told Pharoah about the 7 years famine that God was sending and he told Pharoah how to survive the famine. Because Pharoah was grateful, he put Joseph in charge of the grain and even made him the #2 man in Egypt with Pharoah only over him. God kept blessing him. Every single thing God has a hand in everything. Joseph praised God even during the dark times.

We might not be in the best position but God will bless you. Even in prison Joseph was praising God. God will never put more on you than you can handle. We need to lay our toubles at the feet of Jesus. He will take care of us. He's done it for me many times. Joseph praised God. His father and brothers didn't get that dream, so didn't prepare for the famine. So they went to Egypt to buy grain. And guess who they had to deal with...Joseph. The one they sold into bondage. I don't know that I could do what Joseph did, but God put forgiveness into his heart. When they realized who Joseph was, they were afraid of what he was going to do. But through the one they didn't want anything to do with, they found salvation from starvation.

Does that sound familiar? Jesus was turned over to the Roman soldiers and still He forgave us. Look at how the story of Joseph compares to Jesus. Joseph wasn't received by his own people, neither was Jesus. Joseph was sold by his brothers, Jesus was betrayed. Joseph wasn't guilty of anything, Jesus wasn't guilty. Jesus took our place on the cross. 1.) He was sinless. If it wasn't for Jesus, I know I'd be dying and going to hell but God gave His only begotten son. Jesus said, "Father, I'll go. I'll die for them." 2.) jesus was sent by God for us. Joseph was sent by God to save all of Egypt. When we go through our trials, it's to make us better. God is with us even in the valleys and storms. He blesses us even during the hard times. I can't thank the Lord enough for what He's done. he knew before the heavens and earth that He was going to pay that sin debt for us. 3.) Jesus was sincere. Jesus like Joseph was put in a position to judge us but He didn't through His grace and mercy. Joseph could have judged his brothers and had them killed, but he showed them mercy. 4.) Jesus was selfless. Joseph was selfless. Joseph was in a position to make his life better but that's not what he did. Jesus gave His own life so we can be saved and ahve eternal life with Him in heave.