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Hardened Hearts

Mark 8:16-20

If we have a hardened heart, it puts space between us and Jesus. Even the best of Christains can fall to a hardened heart. 

When the disciples complained about not having any bread, Jesus told them to remember. When things in life get hard for you, I'm going to tell you to remember to don't forget the day you got saved. There's no doubt in my mind that we need to remember all that God has done. Thank God for what He does for you and remember the day He entered your heart. 

One thing that will harden your heart is sin. See what kind of issues you'll go through without Jesus in your heart. Jesus tells us "it's His blood that saved us."

Romans 1:18-24

We're suppose to walk the narrow path God sets before us and call sin a sin. You sin long enough and God will turn you over to a sinful mind and have nothing else to do with you. It's scary but if yo're not turning to God, why should He turn to us? if you allow any one thing to cause you to sin and not repent, then God will not forgive us and we will be exposed for who you are and be turned over to the wickedness.

Sin can cause you to lose your relationship with God. You think you can live with one small sin and still serve God? No you can't! When you keep that one small sin, you will find it becomes easier to sin and soon it will become S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) and we will lose our relationship with God.

Daniel 5:20-21

Pride - Daniel tried to warn King Nebuchadnezzar about being prideful, but pride too him further down the road than he wanted to go. When we take credit for God's works and don't think Him,  we become prideful. Everything you bring into your house 100% is God's, but He gives us back 90%. We should be thankful that we're blessed.

Proverbs 10:25, 16:18

We think we've got it made but it's not because of our own doings, it's because of God. Pride makes you think that it's all about you. That you don't need church, that you don't need God. Pride and sin gives you a hard heart. I'm not talking about the muscle that pumps our blood. I'm talking about our spirit. 

Remember Pharoah and the children of Israel? Pharoah's heart was hardened. God gave him just what he wanted. But pride cost him to lose his son, when God sent the angel of death.

Set backs and trials - We go through physical, spiritual, financial problems, etc. But we've got to go to God. Wehn God puts a storm in your life, God is coming closer to you. We go through them to find God.

Matthew 6:33 - When we have trials and tribulations get your mind on God. He didn't say second or third, he said "Seek ye first."

Hebrews 13:5 - Don't forget that I'll never leave your, I'll never forsake you.

I won't pretend to know why we go through what we go through. God knows. lWe might be going through a valley, that doesn't mean that God doesn't love you. God always loves you. We can always count on God. God calms the storm. 

Unforgiveness - If you can't forgive, how can you expect God to forgive you for your sins? Let go and let God. 

I ask you to search your heart, seek the Lord's will, and soften your heart towards someone who has done something hard towards you.