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Power of Prayer Pt 2

Matthew 6: 9 

When you pray don't worry about what other say, think or do about your praying. He's talking to the people who can say, "Our Father." I've heard this saying many times: "there's no athiests in foxholes," and what that means is that when things get down to the nitty gritty, people look for Him.

Vrs 9 - This is how you should pray. We don't call Him 'Our Father' because we woke up but because we were saved by His grace. When Jesus came off His throne He knew He would die for us. It don't matter if it's 2, 000 years ago, 1, 000 years ago, 200 years ago, or 500 years from now, it's still the blood. Can you feel the presence when you call on the Lord God your father?

Vrs 10 - We should always be thinking of His kingdom that is to come. Whenever He calls you home, you're going to get to walk boldly to the throne of God and have a conversation with Him. You can't prove to me that there's a coincidence, everything is influenced by God. Sometimes God puts us in valleys and storms, He's not left you but we should be thankful for what He's done for us. 

The big bang theory: God said, "Bang" and it happened. "As it is in heaven"  - right now we have chaos but in heaven there is  no sin or chaos. We should want to follow His will.

Vrs 11 - Back in those days the disciples weren't garanteed even a morsel of bread. How about that turkey that we had for Thanksgiving, should we be thankful? We should be thankful every day not just one month. We shouldn't expect it to happen but should be praying to God for our daily bread, spiritual, and physical. What is our spiritual food? The word of God. I say all this because this is the example Jesus gives for how we should be praying to our Father. 

Vrs 13 - We should pray, "Don't let the devil tempt us. Keep us from being tempted from the evil one." Even pastors are tempted but you'r egot to make the decision in your mind that you'll follow God. God, His kingdom, His glory, and if you're saved, you will be in His kingdom forever. 

Forgive but not forgotten is not forgiven. When God forgives, He casts the sins as far as east is from the west. We need to lay down those things the same way. 

That sin debt that we owed by birth, Jesus paid it on the cross, but it was also forgiven. I'm so glad when God looked at me, He didn't see me, but seen His son, He seen the blood that saved me. 

We've got to lay down those things that hurt you. If it wasn't for God I'd be in a grave or in a bad way, on my way to a pit of Hell. God doesn't look at you, or your sin, He sees the blood that paid the sin debt. If you can't forgive, how can you expect God to forgive?