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Doubting the Lord

Matthew 11: 2-6 - "Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me."

He is faithful and true to answer our prayer. Going to the alter and not leaving your burdens there is not what God wants.

That's John the baptist that was preordained to preach the coming of the Lord. But when he was in prison, he began to question and have doubts that the one he saw really was Jesus. Even in prison John doesn't walk away from God, he keeps his faith by sending his disciples to talk to Jesus to get the knowledge that will help him get rid of his doubts. 

It's not uncommon for us to have doubts, it's your spiritual maturity that will lessen your doubts as you grow in the word of God. Many times I've counseled people who began to doubt that they were truly saved. The world isn't going to curb your doubts, it will help them grow. But if you have doubt about even the existence of God,  we need to be down on our knees asking for His help and guidence.

John already knew Jesus was God. When his mother was pregnant and she was with Mary, he leapt in his mother's womb because he knew he was in the presence of God. 

Jesus bade the disciples to tell John that he needs to remember the day he met Jesus. And all the things he has seen, the wonders that Jesus has done in His father's name.

When we have a doubt that is put in our hearts and in our minds by the world, we need to go back to the day we were saved. You don't turn away from Jesus when you have doubt. You go back to the alter and reaffirm your faith. Affirm your faith in Jesus every day.

You'll never forget the day you got saved. If you don't remember in detail, then you need to meet Jesus again. When we are truly saved, God imprints on our hearts so that we can remember and that will strengthen our resolve.

If you're in a bad place, don't use that a reason to doubt God even exists. It's not God that moves away from us, we move away from Him.

John knew what Jesus was sent to us to do. He knew Jesus. He was the lone voice in the wilderness that was leading others to believe in Jesus. That Jesus is the way, That we need to repent. But when he was in prison, he had doubts. But Jesus didn't turn away from Him. He said to remember.

We have to remember that God is in control not us. The quicker we remember that, the better we'll be. That's hard for some people but its the honest truth.

Don't make your surroundings the fuel for your doubt. That's what John did. He used the prison as the fuel for his doubt and began to question why he was there, when he knew he was meant to preach the word of God. 

How's your prayer life? We worry about so many things but we're not talking to God. Blessing your food is not enough. We need to talk to God about everything that is going on in our lives every single day. God speaks to us through His word if we would only just listen.

We have to take the time to read the scripture to grow as a christain. God give you everything you need to grow if you'd just read. What you learn on Sundays is the bare necessities. Read more than the bare minimum.

God will never leave you nor forsake you. We leave Him.

The positive influence of fellowship is important. When we fellowshipwe don't tear others down, we lift them up. Even if you're struggling and their struggling, share the scripture, that will help them grow in the word of God.

Only Jesus! when we accept that and apply that to our daily lives, the doubts will begin to go away. Satan wants us to doubt but if you pray and ahve faith, Jesus will fight that battle for you. 

The light of the world is Jesus, That's what we should desire.