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Death to sin and self Pt. 1

Romans 6:1-11 - " What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are burried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of  his resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him,  that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselved to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Paul asked a lot of questions in his letter to the Romans. It's either perfection from God or it's not perfect and it's not from God. Salvation is perfect, I truly believe that. 

Vrs 1 - This is the newness of life. Do we just walk aound in sin because God has created salvation through Grace? That's what Paul was asking the Romans?

Vrs 2 - Admit that we sin, whose fault is it that we sin? Is it God's fault for giving us a way out? Is it our fault that we like to sin?

Paul used a demonstration of the baptism to get away from sin. He's not talking about a water baptism. God knows when we sin. You don't think it hurts him when we sin? Not only does it hurt Him, but it's like hurting your dad. When you get saved there has to be a change in your sinful nature. If there isn't a change then there's something wrong with your salvation.

Vrs 3 - That illistration of baptism, Paul uses it as a guideline to salvation. We're talking about spiritual baptism not water baptism. When Jesus comes again and calls us to heave, He's going to give us a glorified mind and body. WE should glorify in all we do. When you point and judge others, you need to remember that there are three fingers pointing back at you. I tell myself that all the time.

When something material dies like our soundboard did when the lightening hit it, then it has to be replaced with something new. When you're saved, your sinful nature should be replaced with something new: a spiritual lifestyle.

Vrs 4 - We've talked about getting on our knees in repentence, when we get up there should be a different walk. If you're truly saved, then you should want to walk and live a different way. I admit that I, Kyle Davis, sins every day but it's the sinful nature I have but ti's the salvation I'm given when I repent that saves me.

Vrs 5 - We died on that cross with Jesus. But we will be resurrected with Him. he didn't go to the cross because He wanted to. He went in our place.

Vrs 6 - Our Lord and Savior paved a way for us to live without sin. We fall short of Jesus' example because we sin. Unconfessed sin is the #1 thing that will keep a christian from having true salvation.

It's time we take a look at the scripture, not only look but live it. We got saved when H went to the cross with the sin of the world on His back. It's coming time for Him to establish His time on earth but we have to get rid of our sinful life. If we sin it's because it's from our old nature and not the newness that salvation brings. Leave your sin at the alter. Don't confess, and repent and then put it back on your shoulders when you get off your knees. We need to confess our faults and leave them with the father.

Can we live sinless? The problem is us, the problem is Kyle. The problem isn't Jesus. WE should be leaving those sin we've confessed to with God. God knew before Jesus even went to the cross, He knew that we would fall. He wants us to live with Him. He's made us joint heirs to the throne of Christ.

Vrs 7 - "For he that is dead is free from sin"

Vrs 8 - Second part of the story: God said He was going to resurrect His son. He rolled that stone away and Jesus walked out. When He came out He made preparations for all of us to be without sin. We have to make preparations to die with Him to live with Him. His grace is a gift, not an Indian gift; He'll never take it back.

Vrs 9 - If you're not excited about that, something is wrong. God said if Jesus is resurrected, then so are you. If we've been born in His grace, saved by His grace, and die in His grace, then when we get to the judgement He will say that He paid our way.

Vrs 10 - As long as God is around, Jesus is there too. We will be there too throughout all the years and years. 

Vrs 11 - Keep your eyes and your heart, your mind, your soul on Jesus and always remember there are consequences to sin. But keep your focus on His and He will help you through. He always gives us a way out. Unplug that sinful nature and put Jesus first. 

You can't grow as a christian if you don't put Jesus first.