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Daniel 6: 1-12

The smallest seed of envy can cause problems in your life.

Job 1:21 says, "And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed by the name of the LORD."

When you're up on the hill of authority, it's easy for everyone else to point fingers and say what you're doing wrong and that they could do it better. When we do this, it's done because we have jealousy in our hearts.

The only fault that was found with Daniel is that he served his God. In verse 4 , the presidents and princes wanted to find fault in Daniel. So they thought God was his weakness, his achilles heal. so they assembled together with the king, King Darius. 

They petitioned him to make a royal decree that no one will petition any God or man for thirty days, other than King Darius, but any man who worships any God or man besides the king shall be cast into the den of lions.

Jealousy began wtih Adam and Eve then moved to Cain and Able. Cain was jealous of the favor that Able had with God. That jealousy caused Cain to slay his brother.

Be content with what you have and don't be jealous of what others have or have done in their lives. There is always a reason for every valley and hill that will test your faith. Hold fast to Jesus and your faith in Him. He will never leave you. He will be with you through every trial and tribulation. Jesus IS your strength. 

You never know how good or bad someone else's life truly is, so you should be content with your life and what God gives you. 

Do we humble ourselves or are we jealous of those around us?

When the king signed the decree and Daniel knew it had been signed, he went into his house and would kneel in front of his windows that faced Jerusalem three times a day to pray and give thanks to God.

If you don't know Jesus then you aren't hearing Him knocl on the door?