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The Prodigal Son, Pt. 2

Luke 15:25-32

The elder son was working in the fields, when he had heard some music and merriment. As he went to see what was happening, he asked a servant about the celebration. The servant said, "Thy brother is come, and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound." This made the eldest son angry because he stayed behind to work the fields with and for their father and never received such praise. 

Refusing to come into the house, the father came out and when the son asked why, the father said, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine."

That grain of doubt that was planted in his heart by the devil was pushed out by the words of his father. Then the eldest son's heart was opened to the testimony of his brother who showed that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

We should always remember to rely on Jesus for everything.

Always have your focus on God.

Once he opened his heart to the testimony of his brother, God made the devil leave the heart and mind of the eldest son, so that he could focus on the love of God. God has a way of resetting our thoughts.

God showed the eldest son that he also was a prodigal son, because he became lost in his jealousy but was foudn when he opened his heart to God's love.

God doesn't see you from a distance, He is ALWAYS right there with you. 

When someone in or out of church has struggles we should do everything we can to help them. 

We should be in Sunday School. Sunday School is where we get our basic necessities to live and die as christians.

The eldest son needed a father. He lost his focus on God and forgot that The Father is always there, always ready to help us, always ready to love us, always ready to forgive us, and always ready to bless us.

We're blood related by the blood transfusion of the blood of Jesus and that makes us Joint Heirs to the throne of God. To have a complete relationship with Jesus, you have to go to church. Go to a church that is a Bible believing church. We need to pray without ceasing. We need to lift each other up, more and more in prayer. We need to care for each other. And we need to Fully Rely On God (F.R.O.G.). 

Remember, God will never leave nor forsake you. Find your focus on God and speak to Him with your prayers, with an open mind, and with an open heart. He's always listening.