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The Prodigal Son

The young man wanted his inheritance. His father gave him his share and then the son went away and lived a riotous life. Once he ran out of money and had nothing left to his name, he went and became a servant to a citizen of that country. He was bade to feed the swine. But he wasn't taken care of, (he wasn't fed, clothed, or sheltered) and he began to think about the servants under his father and how his father treats his servants with respect, he feeds, shelters, and clothes them. So he decided to go back to his father's house to ask his father to make him a servant in his household. he confessed to his father that he believed that he had sinned against heaven and felt that he wasn't worthy to be called his son.

But his father believed differenly. You see, he knew that his son would come back. When his father saw him, he embraced his son, just as Jesus embraces us when we come back to Him.

The prodigal son's father had his son clothed in the best robe, put a ring on his finger, and shoes on this feet. He fed his son and rejoiced that his lost son had been found. 

Sometimes when we lose our way, God, our Father, waits for us to find our path back to Him and when we find our way back to Him, He is waiting with open arms. He embraces us and forgives us for our sins, mistakes, and allows us to see the light He shines on the path that leads back to Him.

There is a song that says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

God wants us to serve Him, He wants us to love Him. But He gave us free will. So that we can find the needs, wants, and desire to have a relationship with Him.

Have you heard the saying, "The grass is greener on the other side?" Well that's all that you can see. What you need to see is what you have in front of you that God gave you that keeps you on His path.

Being rebellious doesn't mean that there is no hope for you in God' eyes. But as in verse 17 - there will come a time when you will see the light that is shining on the path that leads you back to God. All it takes to be embraced by God is to ask for forgivness, to trust in Him, obey His word, and to believe in the living, breathing Word of God.

Repentence is asking for forgivness from God and turning from the life you were leading that you knew in your heart you needed to leave.

God wants you to come to Him with an open mind and an open heart. He wants to take the burdens off your heart. God doesn't care what you look like on the outside, He only cares about what's on the inside.

When Jesus died for us, His blood became a robe over us that washes away our sins. Jesus is excited when The One is always found. Jesus made us joint heirs to the throne of God. Only you can take yourself out of that throne. God will never ask you to leave

When even one person is saved, Jesus is excited, the angels rejoice, and Heaven gets brighter. Send your treasures up to glory.

Think about this throughout this week: What is keeping you from going into the arms of God?