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The Lost Sheep Pt 2

Luke 15:8 - She knew that the one needed to be found, so she lit a candle and seasrched for the one that was lost. Everything in the Bible has meaning. 10 pieces of sliver is a number of completion. We're not complete without Jesus. You need to complete or finalize your relationship with Jesus

If God tells you to speak to someone about Jesus, you should witness to them, because they are probably the lost sheep or piece of silver that went astray. You are accountable for the people you witness to. 

When Jesus moves into your heart, He will give you a work to do; whether it's singing, witnessing to others, cleaning the toilets, or even mowing the grass. Jesus gives us all a value.  What matters to Jesus is your heart, not your skin color, your job, etc. He loves us enough to die for us.

God knows you; He knows every hair on your head. He knows everything you were and are going to do before you were even conceived. Everyone from the wealthiest, most popular person, to the poorest, lowliest, even criminal person has value to Jesus. 

When you don't look for God, you get put into the dark spaces. Jesus is the "candle," the light that will shine and make the dark spaces receed.

What did Jesus do when you were that one piece? He went after you because you were valuable to Him. The dark spaces don't make you any less valuable to our Father. He died for everyone that ever was and ever will be, but He would have done it for just one person. When the Body of Christ loses one, we are all affected. Don't stop looking for the one that was lost.

Luke 15:9 - She rejoiced and called her friends to rejoice with her beecause she found the one that was lost.

Never give up on your neighbors, church members, friends, family, etc., unless the Holy Spirit tells you to stay away.

Luke 15:10 - The angles rejoice when one sinner repents.

It's the one sinner that repents that was the one sheep or coin that was lost. When a sinner repents and accepts Jesus into their hearts, the joy your feel in your heart and the overwhelming feeling you have to share that joy with everyone, is the happiness that come from not just God's angles but from Jesus himself.

Next week - Part 3 - The Prodigal Son