When most people are asked if they are thankful, you will usually get what I call a "cookie cutter answer." You know the answer you expect to get and not one that actually was given any thought before being said. When you wake up in the morning do you give thanks for waking up? What about for still being alive to share another day with your family? We've all done that right? Well, how about this one? I give thanks for just about everything little thing. When I was little my mama taught me and my brothers to give thanks for everything, from the smallest thing like a cool drink of water from the garden hose, to a nice breeze blowing on a hot summer day. Well, how about this one? We were also taught to thank Jesus for making the men who made the things we take for granted each and every day. For example, just the other day, I felt like I was melting until I stood under the A/C vent and I just had to "Thank Jesus for making the man who made the A/C." Every time my feet are sore or my back is hurting from working hard, I thank Jesus for making the man who made comfortable chairs. Have you even stopped to consider to give thanks to Jesus for making the man who made indoor plumbing?
Think about it. Where would we be today if it wasn't for Jesus making the men who made the things that we've come to take for granted? How many times today have you reached for your phone to play a game or jump on the internet for something or to shop online and not given thanks to Jesus for making the men who created those things?
I know, I know, I'm saying the word "men" a lot in this blog, and I'm not meaning women aren't capable of doing the same things that men are. When I give thanks to Jesus for making the man who made whatever it is that I'm thankful for, it's not a sexist statement. So I don't want anyone to take it that way. I know this day and age, a lot of people have been blowing up at the simplest comment like it was the end of the world. But here's the thing, it's not the end of the world, we will know when it is the end of the world, because that is the day that Jesus will come back.
Now back to what I was saying, I had to get that last thought in there before someone got offended. But as I was saying. Giving thanks to Jesus is not something we should ever forget to do. I know there are a lot of people who don't even say grace and give thanks for the food on their table. When you give something to someone and they don't say "thank you" to you do you feel offended? Well guess what. So does Jesus. He gave us so much and yet we don't thank Him not nearly enough.
So the next time your back or feet are hurting and you sit in a comfortable chair, or you feel a nice breeze blow on a hot day, or the A/C has got your house cooled off oh so nice, or even when the rain starts to fall, whatever it is, remember to say, "Thank you Jesus!"