Are you ready for Revival?

March 10th - Pastor Kyle Davis 6pm

March 11th & 12th - Dr. Phil Kidd 6pm

So which ever day you can come, or come to all, we look forward to seeing you there.

Welcome to North Hilliard Baptist Church!
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth B. I. B. L. E.

We would like to welcome you to our church. Where we teach from the Bible and introduce people to Jesus.

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We love to celebrate Jesus!

Our church family loves to celebrate Jesus and His word with our neighbors. Fellowship is a big part of our church. We hope you will join us.

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Church Family

When you have a great church family, you are never alone in this life and they will keep you in the next life. Our church family is always accepting new family members. Will you join our family?

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The White/White-Hart Family

August 18, 2024 the ladies of the White/White-Hart family were baptised at Spring Lanke Plantation in Folkston, Ga. We are so honored to have been a part of them joining the family of Christ. 

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Remember, Jesus died for YOU!

What Would Jesus Do?

Can the world see Jesus in you? Jesus was a man who set the example we should all strive to live by. He died for our sins so that we will see Him again in Heaven.

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Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Teaching our children to know and to love Jesus is detrimental to their spiritual well-being. If children know Jesus, as He knows everyone, they will find their way through life that keeps them on His path. And they will "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

Children's Sunday School
Meet our Children's Sunday School leaders

Choosy Moms, Choose Jesus. If you want your child to know Jesus, and to find salvation before it's too late, let our Children's Sunday School teachers get them started on the right path.  Contact us if you want to get to know the teachers and what they will be teaching your children.

VBS is coming soon!!!
The Great Jungle Journey

Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible?

At this VBS, your kids will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation.

VBS is July 8th - 12th from 5:30pm - 8pm each night for kids 5yrs to 13yrs old.  Dinner will be provided each night.

Pre-registration is provided in the link below or you can request the form by email: 



The Great Jungle Journey Registration Link

Vacation Bible School 2024

The Great Jungle Journey

The kids had a great adventure on our cruise through the Bible and learning about the 7 C's of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

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Recent articles from the blog.

Word from the Pastor
Fall for Jesus

It has been some time since I have written any words for the website.  However, I feel it is time that I give all credit to our Lord and Savior for all the recent growth we have had.  Jesus has seen fit to grow our church family exponentially.  Now he has been adding to the church on a regular basis.  But the last six weeks Jesus has went above and beyond any expectations that we could imagine.  He has allowed us to baptize six people, many of which are new to the family of God, in just six weeks.  The Lord is growing our church in spite of ourselves. 

We were told that traditional, bible preaching, bible teaching is a thing of the past. They may be partially correct.  You won’t find it everywhere.  But by the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you will find it at North Hilliard Baptist Church.  We focus on following the Bible.  With a concentration on the KJV edition.  Now I agree, not everyone is looking for old time gospel preaching and old time gospel teaching.  But if you are, please take a moment out of your life and try our church one time.  You may find that you are welcomed and right at home here. 

The bible teaches us in Acts 2:46-47, what a church needs to be in the eyes of the Lord.  We are to be in one accord, praising God and having singleness of heart.  And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.  In other words, we need to all be on the same page and put Jesus
first in our lives and in our hearts.  If we do that, the Lord will add to our churches.  That bible scripture sounds like very good advice for even our country. 

Music Notes
What does singing gospel music do for the church?

While it is try that some people get excited to hear the music being sung at church and can truly feel the presence of God through the music, that's not the important part of church. Listening to the music at church and singing along is what opens your heart to hear the message that God is giving us. Music has a way to touching the deepest parts of our souls and helps in our response to God and to the church. The music and singing in chuch is part of what unites us as a church. While it is true that the church is not the building that you worship in, the church is the people who worship Jesus with you and at times the music is what brings your soul into focus and what you need to speak to God about. Singing can help strengthen your faith and your understanding of who God is and all that He has done for you.

The Bible tells us that singing is a command from God: Colossians 3:16 says, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

So when you feel your heart telling you to sing a song in worship of God, sing it loud and sing it proud. God will be listening for your song. Singing to God is a type of praying to God. So when the Bible tells you to "Pray without ceasing", you should not only pray every day, but sing to God every day. When you're not sure what you should say to Him in prayer, Sing to Him. He will listen and know what it is you're trying to say in your heart. 


Do you have a need?
Prayer helps everyone. Let us help you pray.

Everyone has a need or worry on their hearts. We welcome the opportunity to help you through prayer. Please send us your prayer requests and we will lift you up in prayer. Visit us and see how God works through us. You can email us at if you'd like your prayer request to be kept private.

Sunday School
Join us this Sunday at 10am - 10:45am
Sunday Service at 11am - 12pm &
6pm - 7pm
Wednesday Bible Study at 6pm -7pm
552823 US HWY 1
P.O.BOX 308
Hilliard, FL. 32046
I'm New Here
For more infomation about our church call (904)845-2515 or email us at